

Our content management system (CMS) software includes a powerful invoicing module that allows businesses to manage their invoicing and billing processes easily. Our invoicing module will enable businesses to create and manage invoices, track payments, and stay on top of their billing activities.

Here are some key features of our CMS software’s invoicing module

Customizable Invoice Templates

Our CMS software allows businesses to create customized invoice templates that reflect their brand identity and style. Businesses can choose from various pre-designed templates or create their own custom template. This allows businesses to create professional-looking invoices tailored to their specific needs.

Automated Invoicing

Our CMS software’s invoicing module allows businesses to set up automated invoicing, saving time and reducing errors. Automated invoicing can be set up to send out invoices at specific intervals, such as monthly or quarterly. This ensures that invoices are sent out on time and reduces the risk of delays or missed payments.

Online Payment Integration

Our CMS software’s invoicing module integrates with various online payment gateways, allowing businesses to accept payments online. This makes it easy for customers to pay their invoices quickly and securely and ensures that businesses get paid on time.

Invoice Tracking and Management

Our CMS software’s invoicing module includes robust tracking and management features. Businesses can track invoice status, monitor payments, and generate reports to help them stay on top of their invoicing activities. This makes it easy for businesses to stay organized and manage their invoicing processes more effectively.

Detailed Reporting

Our CMS software’s invoicing module provides businesses with detailed reporting on their invoicing activities. Businesses can generate reports on outstanding invoices, paid invoices, and revenue by customer or product. This helps businesses to make informed decisions about their invoicing processes and identify areas for improvement.

Multi-Currency Support

Our CMS software’s invoicing module supports multiple currencies, making it easy for businesses to invoice customers worldwide. Businesses can set up their preferred currency for each customer, and our software automatically converts the invoiced amount to the customer’s select currency. This simplifies international invoicing and helps businesses expand their global reach.

Late Payment Reminders

Our CMS software’s invoicing module includes automated reminders for late payments, reducing the risk of missed payments and ensuring that businesses get paid on time. Businesses can set up reminders to send out at specific intervals, such as one week or month after the invoice due date. This helps businesses stay on top of their cash flow and reduces the need for manual follow-ups.

Recurring Invoices

Our CMS software’s invoicing module supports recurring invoices, making it easy for businesses to set up and manage regular billing activities. Businesses can set up recurring invoices for subscriptions, memberships, or other recurring payment activities. This reduces the need for manual invoicing and ensures that customers are billed automatically regularly.

Tax Calculation and Management

Our CMS software’s invoicing module includes tax calculation and management support, making it easy for businesses to generate accurate invoices that comply with local tax regulations. Businesses can set up tax rates and rules for each customer or product, and our software automatically calculates taxes for each invoice. This helps businesses stay compliant with local tax laws and regulations.

Our CMS software’s invoicing module is a powerful tool that helps businesses manage their invoicing and billing activities more effectively. With powerful features designed to save time, reduce errors, and improve cash flow, our software helps businesses of all sizes streamline their invoicing processes and grow their business.



Our company offers powerful CRM software to help businesses of all sizes improve their customer relationship management processes. Here are some key benefits of our CRM software

Enhanced Customer Experience

Our CRM software allows businesses to collect, organize, and analyze customer data from multiple sources, including social media, email, and phone interactions. This data can then be used to offer personalized experiences, improve customer service, and build stronger relationships with customers. With our CRM software, businesses can provide the level of service that modern customers demand, leading to increased loyalty and higher customer satisfaction.

Improved Sales and Marketing

Our CRM software allows businesses to track and analyze sales data, identify trends, and optimize marketing campaigns. By better understanding customer behavior, businesses can create targeted marketing campaigns more likely to resonate with their audience. Our CRM software also provides sales teams with tools to manage their pipelines, automate their workflows, and improve their overall performance.

Increased Efficiency

Our CRM software streamlines the customer relationship management process, reducing the need for manual data entry and paperwork. With features like automated workflows, custom dashboards, and real-time reporting, businesses can manage their operations more efficiently and accurately. This saves time, reduces errors, and allows businesses to focus on what they do best.


Our CRM software is designed to be scalable, which means it can grow with your business. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, our software can adapt to your changing needs and accommodate your growing operations. This ensures that businesses can use our CRM software for the long term without worrying about outgrowing the system.

Better Collaboration

Our CRM software provides businesses with various tools to help teams work together more effectively. For example, team collaboration tools allow teams to share data, tasks, and insights, making coordinating efforts easier and ensuring everyone is on the same page. Additionally, shared calendars help teams schedule meetings and plan their workdays more efficiently. Real-time data updates ensure that everyone is working with the latest information, reducing the risk of errors and miscommunication. These collaboration features help teams stay organized, communicate more effectively, and work together more productively.

Enhanced Analytics

Our CRM software provides businesses with a wealth of analytics and reporting tools, which can help them gain insights into their customer behavior and sales trends. For example, custom dashboards can display critical metrics in real-time, making it easy for businesses to identify trends and spot opportunities. Data visualization tools allow businesses to see their data more meaningfully, making it easier to understand and act on. Predictive analytics tools can be used to identify patterns and make predictions about future behavior, allowing businesses to take proactive action. By leveraging these analytics features, companies can make informed decisions, improve performance, and grow their customer base.


Our CRM software offers a range of automation features that can help businesses save time and reduce errors. For example, automated workflows can streamline repetitive tasks, such as data entry or follow-up emails. Email campaigns can be automated, allowing businesses to send targeted messages to specific groups of customers at the right time. Task reminders can be set up to ensure that critical deadlines are met. By automating these tasks, businesses can free up time to focus on more critical tasks, such as developing new products or services or improving the customer experience. Automation can also help reduce errors and improve the accuracy of data, which can be critical for businesses that rely on data-driven insights


Our CRM software is highly customizable, allowing businesses to tailor it to their needs. For example, custom fields can be added to ensure enterprises capture the correct data for their unique needs. Custom workflows can be set up to ensure that the right people are notified at the right time and that tasks are completed in the proper order. Custom reports can be generated to give businesses the data they need to make informed decisions. By customizing our CRM software, businesses can ensure that they get the most value from the system and that it is tailored to their unique requirements. This can help businesses improve operations, reduce costs, and provide a better customer experience.

In conclusion, our CRM software offers businesses a range of powerful tools to help them manage their customer relationships more effectively. With better collaboration, enhanced analytics, automation, and customization, our software is designed to help businesses improve their operations, reduce costs, and provide a better customer experience.

By providing teams with better collaboration tools, our CRM software helps to improve communication and coordination, reducing the risk of errors and miscommunication. Enhanced analytics and reporting features give businesses valuable insights into customer behavior and sales trends, allowing them to make informed decisions and take proactive action. Automation features help businesses save time and reduce errors by streamlining repetitive tasks. In contrast, customization features allow businesses to tailor the software to their unique needs, ensuring they get the most value from the system.

Our CRM software is designed to help businesses grow their customer base, increase their revenue, and improve their operations. By providing businesses with the tools they need to manage their customer relationships more effectively, our software helps businesses to thrive in today’s competitive marketplace.

Portfolio product

POS (Point Of Sale)

A POS system is a software and hardware solution that allows you to process sales transactions, manage inventory, track sales data, and generate reports. Here are some of the benefits of implementing a POS system for your business:

Here are some key features of our POS software that make it stand out

Streamlined Sales Process

Our software enables businesses to process transactions quickly and accurately. Our software ensures a smooth and hassle-free sales process with features such as barcode scanning, customizable pricing and discount options, and integrated payment processing.

Better Inventory Management

Keeping track of inventory can be daunting for any business, but our POS software makes it easy. Our inventory management feature allows companies to track stock levels in real-time, set reorder points, and generate reports to help with purchasing decisions.

Faster Transactions

A POS system can help speed up the checkout process by scanning barcodes or RFID tags, processing credit and debit card payments, and generating receipts automatically. This can help reduce customer wait times and increase your sales volume.

 Improved Accuracy

A POS system can help eliminate the errors that can occur when manually entering sales data. This can help reduce the risk of discrepancies in your inventory, financial records, and customer orders. It can also help prevent theft and fraud by tracking cash and card transactions.

Customer Relationship Management

Our software also has a customer relationship management (CRM) feature that allows businesses to collect customer data, track purchase history, and create loyalty programs to incentivize repeat business.

Enhanced Reporting

A POS system can generate detailed reports on your sales, inventory, and customer data. This can help you identify trends, measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, and make strategic decisions about your business. You can also track employee performance and productivity, which can help you optimize your staffing levels and reduce labor costs.

Multi-Platform Compatibility

Our software is compatible with a wide range of devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. This allows businesses to access the software from anywhere and at any time, making it easy to manage their operations on the go.

Employee Management

A POS system can help you keep track of your inventory in real-time. This means you 

can see which products are selling well, which ones are overstocked, and which ones need to be restocked. This can help you make informed decisions about ordering and stocking products, which can help you reduce waste and improve profitability.

Customizable Reports

Our POS software offers customizable reporting features that allow businesses to generate reports tailored to their specific needs. This includes sales, inventory, and customer behaviour reports, among others.

Third-Party Integrations

Our software is designed to integrate seamlessly with a wide range of third-party applications, including accounting software, ecommerce platforms, and marketing automation tools. This allows businesses to create a fully integrated business ecosystem that streamlines operations and improves efficiency.


Our software is designed with the latest security measures to protect businesses and their customers from fraud and data breaches. This includes encrypted transactions, secure data storage, and fraud detection features that help to prevent unauthorized transactions.


Our POS software is designed to be scalable, which means it can grow with your business. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, our software can adapt to your changing needs and accommodate your growing operations.

Ease of Use

Our software is designed with ease of use in mind, which means that even non-technical users can easily navigate and use the system. This reduces the need for extensive training and ensures that businesses can start using the system immediately.

Real-time Data

POS systems offer businesses real-time data on their operations, which can help them make informed decisions and adjust their strategies as needed. For example, they can see which products are selling well and which are not and adjust inventory levels accordingly. They can also track customer behaviour, such as purchase history and preferences, to offer personalized recommendations and improve the customer experience.

 Improved Customer Experience

A POS system can help you provide better customer service by allowing you to track customer data, preferences, and purchase history. This means you can personalize your interactions with customers, offer targeted promotions, and provide fast and accurate service.

Cost Savings

Implementing a POS system can help businesses save money in various ways. For example, it can reduce labour costs by automating tasks like data entry and inventory management. It can also help businesses avoid costly errors and waste by providing real-time data on inventory levels and sales trends. Finally, a POS system can help businesses optimize their pricing strategies, allowing them to analyze sales data and adjust prices accordingly.

Competitive Advantage

A reliable and efficient POS system can be a competitive advantage in today’s business environment. With the ability to offer fast and convenient checkout experiences, personalized recommendations, and secure payment options, businesses can stand out from the competition and attract more customers. Additionally, POS systems can help businesses stay ahead of changing trends and customer preferences by providing real-time data on sales and customer behaviour, allowing them to adjust their strategies accordingly.

Customer Support

Our company offers dedicated customer support to ensure that businesses get the help they need when they need it. Our support team is available around the clock to answer questions, troubleshoot issues, and provide guidance on how to get the most out of our software.

Overall, a POS system can help you streamline your operations, increase efficiency, and improve your bottom line. If you’re looking for a way to take your business to the next level, consider implementing a POS system today..



In today’s fast-paced business environment, managing invoices efficiently is crucial for the success of any organization. Invoices are not just pieces of paper; they represent the lifeblood of your business. They ensure that you get paid for your products and services, making them an integral part of your financial stability. However, the traditional methods of managing invoices can be time-consuming, error-prone, and frustrating. This is where VerveBot’s Invoice Content Management System (ICMS) steps in to simplify and streamline the entire process.

What is ICMS?

VerveBot’s Invoice Content Management System (ICMS) is a cutting-edge solution designed to take the pain out of managing invoices. It is a feature-rich, cloud-based platform that revolutionizes the way businesses create, send, track, and store their invoices. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, VerveBot’s ICMS can adapt to your unique needs, helping you optimize your invoice management process.

Key Features of VerveBot’s ICMS

  • Effortless Invoice Creation: With ICMS, you can create professional-looking invoices in minutes. The system provides customizable templates, allowing you to add your logo, company details, and payment terms. Say goodbye to the days of manual invoice creation.
  • Automated Invoice Delivery: ICMS automates the process of sending invoices to your clients. You can schedule invoice deliveries and reminders, ensuring that your clients receive their invoices promptly.
  • Real-time Tracking: Track the status of your invoices in real-time. Know when they are viewed, paid, or if there are any issues. This transparency empowers you to take timely actions.
  • Secure Storage: ICMS securely stores all your invoices in the cloud, eliminating the need for physical filing systems. Your data is safe and easily accessible whenever you need it.
  • Expense Tracking: Easily track expenses associated with each invoice, allowing you to gain insights into your company’s financial health.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrate ICMS with your existing accounting software or other tools to enhance your workflow.
  • User-Friendly Interface: ICMS is designed with simplicity in mind. You don’t need to be tech-savvy to use it effectively.

Why Choose VerveBot’s ICMS?

  • Efficiency: By automating and streamlining your invoice management process, ICMS saves you time and reduces errors.
  • Professionalism: Create polished invoices that reflect positively on your business.
  • Improved Cash Flow: Faster invoice deliveries and payments mean better cash flow management.
  • Data Security: Your sensitive financial data is protected with state-of-the-art security measures.
  • Scalability: ICMS can grow with your business, adapting to your changing needs.


VerveBot’s Invoice Content Management System (ICMS) is the game-changer your business needs to conquer the challenges of invoice management. Say goodbye to the hassles of manual invoice creation, late payments, and disorganized records. Embrace the future of efficient, automated, and secure invoice management with VerveBot’s ICMS. It’s time to take control of your finances and watch your business thrive. Try ICMS today and experience the difference.

customer success stories

Maharaja Farmers

Maharaja Store is a top retail store in Hicksville, New York, providing its customers with a wide range of products. However, managing the store’s operations had become a challenge due to its growing customer base and the need for effective inventory management. The store decided to partner with our company and implement our suite of software solutions, including our invoicing management system (ICMS), CRM, point of sale, and content management system (CMS).

With our invoicing management system, Maharaja Store was able to streamline its billing and invoicing processes, reducing the amount of time and effort required to manage these tasks. Our software provided the store with automated invoicing, and online payment integration, making creating, sending, and tracking invoices easier. The store also set up recurring invoices, and tax management features, further streamlining its invoicing activities.

Our CRM software provided Maharaja Store with a powerful tool to manage customer relationships more effectively. Our software allowed the store to store and manage customer data, track interactions, and analyze customer behaviour. This helped the store better understand its customers’ needs and tailor their marketing and sales strategies accordingly. The store also used our software to track sales leads, monitor sales activities, and improve sales performance.

Our point-of-sale software provided Maharaja Store with a modern, easy-to-use system for processing sales transactions. Our software allowed the store to manage its inventory, track sales data, and generate reports, helping it make more informed decisions about its business operations. The software also provided the store with various payment options, including cash, credit card, and online payment, making it easy for customers to pay for their purchases.

Finally, our CMS content management system gave Maharaja Store a powerful tool to manage its website content more effectively. Our software allowed the store to create and edit website content easily, organize its content, and manage its website more efficiently. The store used our software to create custom invoice templates, marketing materials, and other content, further enhancing its brand identity and online presence.

Overall, implementing our suite of software solutions has been a significant success for Maharaja Store. The store has been able to streamline its operations, improve customer relationships, and grow its business more effectively. The store’s management team has been impressed with our software’s user-friendly interface, powerful features, and responsive support. They are looking forward to continuing their partnership with our company in the future.


How to Start an E-commerce Business?

As businesses increasingly move online, eCommerce APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) have become essential tools for companies looking to streamline their online operations. An eCommerce API allows businesses to integrate their eCommerce platform with other systems, applications, and services, enabling them to automate processes and improve efficiency.

Improved Efficiency

Integrating eCommerce APIs with your existing systems and applications can help you streamline your operations and eliminate manual data entry. This can save time and reduce errors, allowing you to focus on more important tasks.

Better Data Management

eCommerce APIs allow you to automate data transfer between your eCommerce platform and other systems, such as your CRM or ERP. This ensures that your data is always up-to-date and accurate, making it easier to manage customer information, orders, and inventory.

Enhanced Customer Experience

eCommerce APIs can help you provide a better customer experience by enabling you to offer more personalized services. For example, you can use an API to integrate your eCommerce platform with a customer’s social media account, allowing you to offer personalized product recommendations based on their interests.

Increased Sales

By integrating your eCommerce platform with other systems, such as marketing automation tools, you can create targeted marketing campaigns that are more likely to convert into sales. This can help you drive revenue and grow your business.

Greater Flexibility

eCommerce APIs provide greater flexibility in how you manage your online business. You can use APIs to integrate with multiple platforms and services, allowing you to customize your eCommerce operations to suit your specific needs.

Cost Savings

By automating processes and reducing the need for manual data entry, eCommerce APIs can help you save money on labor costs. Additionally, by providing greater visibility into your eCommerce operations, APIs can help you identify inefficiencies and areas for cost savings.

In summary, eCommerce APIs can provide numerous benefits for your business, including improved efficiency, better data management, enhanced customer experience, increased sales, greater flexibility, and cost savings. By integrating your eCommerce platform with other systems, you can create a more streamlined and effective online operation that can help you grow your business.


DB Online Grocery

DB Online is an app solution similar to traditional stores; however, it’s online. The App is fantastic, with features like ICMS(Invoice Content Management System) that can solve all aspects of Inventory within a single click. But that’s not all; the App comes with complete, easy-to-use store handling capabilities, easily-managed tracking of orders, and check-out choices that span multiple levels of categories.

A Modern, User-Friendly E-Commerce Platform Developed by Our Company

n today’s fast-paced world, online shopping has become an integral part of our daily lives. The convenience and accessibility of e-commerce platforms have made it easier for customers to shop from the comfort of their own homes. One such platform that has been gaining popularity in recent times is DB Online Grocery. Our company had the privilege of developing this modern, user-friendly e-commerce platform, and in this blog post, we will explore how we created this website and app for our client.

Wide Range of Products

DB Online Grocery offers a wide range of grocery products such as fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy products, beverages, snacks, and household essentials. This ensures that customers can find everything they need in one place.

User-Friendly Interface

The platform’s user-friendly interface makes it easy for customers to search and browse through products. The website is easy to navigate, and products are organized into categories for easy access.

Delivery Options

DB Online Grocery offers various delivery options to customers, including same-day delivery, next-day delivery, and scheduled delivery. This allows customers to choose a delivery option that suits their needs.

Discounts and Promotions

The platform offers discounts and promotions on selected products, making grocery shopping more affordable for customers. There are also loyalty programs that reward customers for their purchases.

Secure Payment Options

DB Online Grocery ensures the security of customer payments by offering secure payment options such as credit cards, debit cards, and online payment gateways.

Customer Support 

The platform has a dedicated customer support team available to assist customers with any queries or issues they may have.




Dating App

The world of online dating is among the fastest-growing businesses worldwide. The most critical aspect is ensuring your application is targeted to the right audience and contains the features that users expect from a website. The App is designed well, smoothly, user-friendly, and functionally integrates with the App, is adequately organized, and flows information with categorization. Habydate is a dating app for mobile phones that has changed the face of mobile dating.



NY Diamonds

App Development Section Portfolio :

NY Diamonds has resulted in a user-friendly app-based store that lets customers explore a vast range of diamonds, engagement rings, wedding bands, and other jewelry items from the comfort of their homes. The app’s interface is clean, intuitive, and optimized for mobile devices, making it easy for shoppers to find what they’re looking for quickly. Customers can also customize their jewelry pieces by selecting different metals, settings, and gemstones.

One of the standout features of the app is its chatbot, which uses natural language processing to understand customers’ queries and provide relevant answers in real-time. The chatbot can assist customers with product recommendations, sizing information, and shipping details, saving them time and hassle. Moreover, the chatbot can learn from customer interactions and improve its responses over time, making the shopping experience even more personalized.

Another key benefit of NY Diamonds is the app’s secure payment gateway, which uses advanced encryption and tokenization techniques to protect customers’ sensitive data. This ensures that customers can shop with peace of mind, knowing that their transactions are safe and secure.


The Vervebot-NY Diamonds partnership is a prime example of how software companies can leverage technology to transform traditional retail businesses into modern, digitally-driven enterprises. By providing a seamless online shopping experience, Vervebot has helped NY Diamonds reach a wider audience and enhance customer satisfaction. As e-commerce continues to evolve, we can expect more innovative solutions from companies like Vervebot that enable businesses to stay ahead of the curve.



Jahu Jewels

App Development Section Portfolio :

Jahu Jewels is an app-based online store with an eCommerce platform that permits purchasing various types of jewelry for women who want to buy jewelry. The App is simple to use and allows a wide range of payment methods with no restrictions on shipping options, depending on the city or the country of origin.